Marana Sasanam Full Movie - 2018 Telugu Full Movies watch online, Prithviraj, Sasi Kumar, Pia Bajpai
This film is loosely based on the English film Strangers on a Train (film). Watch Marana Sasanam Full Movie, which is a dubbed version of critically acclaimed Malaylam Boxoffice Blockbuster "MASTERS". Nowrunning gave the film a rating of 3/5 stars, and stated "The film has all the makings of a commercial potboiler that should see it sailing smoothly through the box office seas for a while. Way too superior to the generic thrillers being churned out by the dozen, 'Masters' is a cool chiller for this summer, that delivers its jolt moments with aplomb."
Starring: Prithviraj, Sasikumar, Ananya, Pia Bajpai, Mukesh, Biju Menon etc.
Directed by Johny Anthony
Produced by G. Madhu Kumar
Music by Gopi Sundar
Milan Paul and Sriramakrishnan are best friends who have been together since college. The intensity of their friendship has not faded though the carefree days of college have long past gone. Now Sree is an ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police) of Kottayam and Milan is a renowned reporter in the same city. Though in different fields both are in highly responsible jobs. In effect, both of them use their friendship to fulfill their respective social responsibilities. Hot-tempered and impulsive Sree usually ends up in some sort of trouble and is always saved by Milan in the nick of the time. Consequently, Milan has to deal with physical and mental torture from Sree's enemies but Sree reciprocates by saving Milan. Things were going on just fine when out of the blue, a horrendous incident shocks the city. A series of suicide-murders happen and what bewilders the Police is the lack of any apparent reason for the murderers to kill the victims. In many cases the murderers have not met the victims ever before the incident. The two friends try to unravel the mystery behind it and discover some bewildering and chilling truths.