11:35 Popular
BIOTECHNOLOGY in the Future: 2050 (Artificial Biology)
Added 258 Views / 0 LikesWhat happens when humans begin combining biology with technology, harnessing the power to recode life itself. What does the future of biotechnology and genetic engineering look like? How will humans program biology to create organ farm technology and bio-
06:29 Popular
Mission Not So Impossible: Does Tom Cruise REALLY Do His Own Stunts
Added 183 Views / 0 LikesGet some cool drag & drop VFX here! Climbing treacherous cliff faces, and scaling the tallest buildings. Jumping over huge gaps and from super high altitudes, acrobatics in the air, and underwater, and now. Riding a motorbike down a monster ski jump a
07:27 Popular
Making of Chennai Express movie | Shahrukh Khan | Deepika | Behind the scenes
Added 204 Views / 0 LikesMaking of Chennai Express movie | Behind the scenes | Shahrukh Khan | Deepika Chennai Express is a 2013 Indian Hindi-language action comedy film directed by Rohit Shetty and produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Siddharth Roy Kapur, Gauri Khan and Karim Morani, b
10:04 Popular
వ్యవసాయ అనుబంధ రంగాల్లో బ్లాక్ చైన్ టెక్నాలజీ | Story On Block-Chain Technology In Agrisectors
Added 891 Views / 0 Likesబ్లాక్ చైన్ టెక్నాలజీ...! యావత్ ప్రపంచం ఇప్పుడు ఈ సాంకేతికత వినియోగంపై దృష్టి సారించింది. సైబర్ నేరాలు పెరిగిపోతున్న తరుణంలో...ఈ టెక్నాలజీతోనే అడ్డుకట్ట వేయగలమనే భావన నెలకొంది. కార్పొరేట్ సంస్థలతో పాటు... ప్రభుత్వ శాఖలు దీనిన
04:03 Popular
Project Super Orion Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Interstellar Ark
Added 5,544 Views / 0 LikesProject Orion was a study of a starship intended to be directly propelled by a series of explosions of atomic bombs behind the craft (nuclear pulse propulsion) The project was eventually abandoned for multiple reasons such as the Partial Test Ban Treaty w
03:40 Popular
【共立】乗用溝切機のワンポイントレッスン! MKS4301FR/MKS4003R
Added 4,435 Views / 0 Likes乗用溝切機を使う時、「走り水」をしていますか? 「走り水」のない状態で乗用溝切機を使用すると 機械の思わぬトラブルを招くだけでなく、 作業の労力が大幅に増えます。 合わせて、共立ブランドから新しく誕生した 乗用溝切機MKS4301FRとMKS4003Rをご紹介します。 共立乗用溝切機 操舵機構タイプ MKS4301FR のスペックはこちら → スピード重
05:57 Popular
మొదటి విమానం గురించి మనలో 90 శాతం మందికి తెలియని నిజాలు..!!
Added 4,425 Views / 0 LikesHistory of the Airplane. First Airplane Invented before Wright Brothers, an Indian called Shivkar Bapuji Talpade was the first to invent the airplane? This person invented the plane eight years before the Wright brothers. Unknown Facts in Telugu. The Firs
07:54 Popular
What Would A Million Person Mars Colony Look Like?
Added 4,353 Views / 0 LikesWhat Would A Million Person Mars Colony Look Like? – Second ThoughtMars colony renders (2:51-3:22, 3:35-3:50)) courtesy About Second Thought: Second Thought is a channel devoted to the things in life worth thinking about! Science, history, politics,